NCAC urges Nigerians to remain committed to national development

Abuja, July 19, 2023 (NAN) The National Council for Arts and Culture (NCAC) has advised Nigerians to remain patriotic and committed to national development.

Chief Olusegun Runsewe, Director-General, NCAC,  gave the advice during an interactive platform organised by NCAC, with the theme “#puttingnigeriafirst#”, on Wednesday in Abuja.

According to Runsewe, the advice is against the backdrop of unhealthy political practices, ethnicity, violence and religious bigotry on the increase after the general elections.

He said the process of rebuilding the nation had begun with President Bola Tinubu’s sheer competence, commitment and unflinching resolve to restore hope in the Nigerian project.

He urged Nigerians to consciously put the nation first, in the interest of peace, social integration, harmony and national development.

Runsewe advised Nigerians to be committed to making the nation greater.

“We have no other nation apart from Nigeria, to make Nigeria great is a task that must be done; a task for all Nigerians irrespective of place or circumstances of birth, religion or creed.

“This is why we must eschew all forms of religious bigotry, ethnic jingoism and unhealthy political practices that tend to fan the embers of disunity and distract us from our developmental aspirations.

“Our nationalists who fought for our political independence did not achieve victory on the strength of ethnic, religious or other parochial inclinations.

“I, therefore, call on all Nigerians, particularly our political elite, religious leaders, traditional rulers, opinion moulders, leaders of thought and  all patriotic and well-meaning Nigerians to join hands with the new administration in its determined efforts to reposition our nation on the part of sustainable peace, socio-economic growth and development,” he said.

Runsewe urged Nigerians to be well guided in their efforts to creatively think and constructively proffer workable solutions that would make the nation overcome its economic challenges.

He said this should be done to fasten security issues, the cankerworm of corruption and economic crimes, while mobilising human and material resources toward the attainment of national development.

He encouraged Nigerians to imbibe the Americans’ patriotic spirit of undivided loyalty, love of country and sheer commitment to national service, in the greater interest of Nigeria as a nation.

He said this was responsible for Americans  maintaining their status as world leading super-power.

“Enough of hate speech, destructive criticism, unhealthy grandstanding along political parties, ethnic and religious background.

“Let us unite and build the Nigeria of our dreams, we must keep that spirit alive, so that the labour of our heroes past shall not be in vain.

“Nigeria is blessed with talented, resourceful, innovative and dynamic citizens.

“For our abundant human and material resources to be fully harnessed and productively channeled to drive the process of our national development, all hands must be on deck,” he said.

Earlier, Mr Nkereuwem Onung, National President of the Federation of Tourism Associations of Nigeria (FTAN), advocated a functional rule of law and good governance if the ‘puttingnigeriafirst’ campaign must be upheld by Nigerians.

“I stand here as an ambassador for putting Nigeria first. I want everyone to be same and call on the Nigerian government to be fair to all.

“If we must remain united, we must all put Nigeria first in our endeavours,” he said. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the ‘#puttingnigeriafirst#’ campaign, an initiative of NCAC, began in May. (NAN) (

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